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Iowa City Palestine Protest

Updated: Oct 29, 2023

On Oct. 27 2023, residents of Iowa City from all corners of life joined in protest of the United States support of Israel and the atrocities being committed to Palestinians. The protest began at 3:30 pm and while I left before it ended, I'm told it lasted until 6:30 pm. Protesters were organized outside the Old Capitol and recieved many honks and waves from passerbys turning onto Clinton St. There were multiple speakers who demonstrated their thoughts on the conflict in the middle east, most notably an older veteran who encouraged those in attendance to write to their senators. A younger woman encouraged chants such as, "From the land to the sea Palestine must be free!"

Iowa City is notoriously liberal and even so, members of the community didn't hesitate to brave the 40 degree October chill to demonstrate their support for both Palestinians aborad and here in Iowa.
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